Prohibited Content
- Online dating sites offering adult meetings
- Exploitation and sexualization of minors
- High-risk investments, rapid enrichment schemes and financial pyramids
- Promoting illegal activities
- Drugs, digital drugs
- Knowingly false information
- Online pharmaceuticals
- Pornographic and erotic materials
- Magical services
- Nicotine-containing substances and tobacco products
- Weapons and explosives
- Webcasts dating sites, web modeling
- A call to join religious groups and participate in religious ceremonies
- Intentional self-harm, mutilation, suicide propaganda
- The spread of the illicit trade in human organs
- Escort services
- Goods and services against human rights and freedoms
- Publications containing hostile statements or attacks on an individual or organisation
- Publications containing a direct or hidden context of threat, harassment and violence
- Hate speech, criminal or terrorist related content
- Mentioning of events or customs that cause harm to a person in a degrading, unfriendly or offensive manner
- Content related to hacking into computer systems and programs
Regulated Content
The list below indicates products and services for which additional requirements may be imposed:
- Legal due diligence
- License Verification
- Providing a complete list of components that make up biological additives
- Proof of ownership of advertising materials and / or trademark
- Dating websites
- Video games
- Cryptocurrencies
- Binary options
- Financial services
- Self-improvement products
- Software download
- Subscription services
- Bio supplements
- Draws, contests, livewees, lotteries, sweepstakes
- Electronic cigarettes and wipes
- Casino
- Health care products
- Unprofitable volunteer organizations and charitable foundations
- Crowdfunding
- Political content
- Alcohol
Prohibited Practices
- Downloading and distribution of content by third parties violating copyright law
- Collection, storage and distribution of personal information without the user's consent
- Prohibited content hidden by spoilers
- Content containing and spreading viruses
- Content not subject to reading, viewing and verification
- Auto-download applications and plug-ins without user's consent
- Techniques for hiding real content using redirects
- Substitution of content on the passage of moderation
- Clocking
- Torrents
- Spam